Don’t Send Your Kids Off to College This Fall Without Doing This

This time of year, my social media feed is full of excited parents sharing where their high school seniors will be heading off to college in the fall. It’s so exciting! It’s also an important time to revisit your emergency planning. 

Imagine this scenario - your college freshman is in a car accident (or has alcohol poisoning, or a mental health crisis, etc.). You call the hospital in a panic, but are told that the care team can only share limited information with you without the appropriate paperwork. They’ll always be your baby, but in the eyes of the law they are a legal adult.

I recommend that every newly minted adult have a sit down with their parents to discuss how they would like their parents to be involved in an emergency situation and then document those wishes. A standard package for a young adult should include: 


  • Medical Advance Directive

  • Financial Power of Attorney

Basic templates for these documents are readily available online, but they can be tricky to fll out without guidance. If you or someone you know could use help assembling this basic package, Acorn Law is here to help.  Schedule a quick chat to get started.


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